- Photoelectroxidationn,
- Estriol,
- Ethynilestradiol,
- endocrine disruptor,
- DSA (Ti/RUO2)
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The effect of different variables in the electrochemical removal of estriol (E3) in aqueous solution was studied and it was compared with the removal of 17 α- Ethinylestradiol. The photoelectroxidations were carried out with DSA electrode (Ti/RuO2), varying the pH, substrate concentration and supporting electrolyte, potential configuration of saline bridge, reactor volume, and light source. Results for both Estriol and 17 α- Ethinylestradiol are similar, showing to be the best removals at concentrations of 500 ug/L of substrate, volumes to be treated of 90 ml of solution, saline bridge of 30 cm in length, voltages between 0.8 and 3, concentration of Na2SO4 of 0.1 M, pH between 6 and10, and UV lamp of 125 W.
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