- Crataegus meyeri Pojark,
- antioxidant,
- trace element,
- vitamin
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The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant and antiradical activities in aqueous and ethanol extracts of Crataegus meyeri Pojark leaf, additionally, to examine some vitamins (A, E, C), trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Cr, Co). In this study, vitamin C, antioxidant and antiradical properties were determined using spectrophotometer. The results are compared with the reference antioxidants such as trolox, a-tocopherol and BHT. Levels of vitamin (A, E) measured using HPLC method. Trace elements were carried out using method of dry ashing with ICP-MS. The results of this study showed that C. meyeri leaf has a high antioxidant capacity and vitamin levels. C. meyeri is thought to be used as additives for food products and pharmaceutical industries with appropriate antioxidant properties and an antioxidant in future studies of experimental animal models, against free radicals generated in response to oxidative stress.
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