Vol 65 No 1 (2020): Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
Original Research Papers


Yasna León
Universidad Santo Tomás
Published February 5, 2020
  • Chitosan,
  • Pectate Bioparticles,
  • SEM
How to Cite
Ulloa, B., Tapia, E., Arias, M., & León, Y. (2020). CHITOSAN AND PECTATE BIOPARTICLES MADE FROM ORANGE ALBEDO. ADSORPTION OF COPPER (II) . Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 65(1), 4664-4667. Retrieved from


The investigation herein reports on the development of bioparticles by mixing calcium pectate with chitosan in order to chelate Cu+2 from water polluted with heavy metals. Calcium pectate was used to synthesize these bioparticles. The pectate was obtained from orange albedo, which was in turn obtained from shredded and dry biomass, treated with an acidulated solution in order to eliminate the pectin (Ps). The first treatment given to the biomass was with a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH), in order to de-methoxylate the pectin. Subsequently, the biomass was treated with ethyl alcohol and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) to a temperature of 80 - 90°C, to renew the pectin. This improved the mechanical stability that this constituent requires. Experimental results of the Cu+2 ions are expressed as a withholding rate percentage in time.



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