Copyright (c) 2017 Carlos Díaz, María Luisa Valenzuela, Cristian Rios, Marjorie Segovia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Pyrolysis at 800°C under air of the macromolecular precursor Chitosan●(PdCl2)n and PS-co-4-PVP●(PdCl2)n in solid state afford the mixture phases Pt/PdO depending on the molar ratio metal /polymer. For the 1:1 Chitosan●(PdCl2)n and PS-co-4-PVP●(PdCl2)n precursors the pure phase PdO was obtained while that for another molar ratios 1:5 and 1:10, the mixture phase Pt/PdO were obtained. For the 1:10 PS-co-4-PVP●(PdCl2)n precursor the core/shell PdO@Pd nanoparticles as small as 4 nm were observed. Optical properties for the PdO indicate an insulator behavior.
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