- Wines,
- Sulfite,
- Membrane contactor,
- Aspiration method,
- Ripper method
- Electrooxidation ...More
Copyright (c) 2017 Roxana Arce, Carla Báez, J. P. Muena, María J. Aguirre, Julio Romero

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This research demonstrates how the sulfite content can be measured by cyclic voltammetry using a previously reported membrane absorber system, which separates efficiently sulfite present in wine. Results obtained show notably similar values to those obtained for the same wine samples using modified Monier- Williams method (aspiration method) and Ripper method. The membrane absorber system allows the release of the free SO2, and can be used to determine the sulfur dioxide present in juices and other foods that contain high concentrations of phenols, polyphenols and other structurally related compounds that act as interferers in the electrochemical oxidation of sulfite. The absorber solution allows a direct measurement without change in pH or added electrolyte, facilitating the determination of great amounts of samples from diverse wines using only one calibration curve. In this way, a system that allows the detection of sulfite and that can be used in vineyards is obtained.
Finally, the method was assessed on linearity, sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility and repeatability, obtaining values that account for the applicability of the method.

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